
Bill on May 5th 1998 you stopped in to show me your products. After viewing you Power Up demo I order product. You stopped in to see me and asked if Iwould endorse your products. Here is what I can say about your products to date.

To start with I would like to talk about your grease. We are using about 30%less grease than before. We do not have the problems where grease falls on our greens and kills the grass. We have not had any bearing or pin a busing replacements since the Thixogrease #2 product.

Our engines have been using Power Up NNL690-G. Since using this product we have had no engine replacements or engine problems. I guess no news is good news. Although we do have a Van Guard motor that has over 6,000 hours and is operating just fine. This is not normal in our business.

In closing I would recommend that you take a look at Bill’ Power Up demonstration it clearly shows you how this product works.

04-11-2009 Update

The PowerUP products are a very important part of my lubrication program. We are on our second year of testing Gen49D with excellent results.

Yours truly,

Ted Banie
Maintenance Supervisor
Nicolet Country Club
Laona, Wisconsin 54541