Bayer Truck & Auto Center, would like to thank you for introducing the PowerUp formulation to our company. We service several fleet accounts through our Truck & Auto Center, and after viewing your PowerUp demonstration I felt I had to give it a try. My first concern was my own fleet of School Buses, we were having some transmission failures, and at times differential failures. I would not say these problems were out of the ordinary but if we could reduce these failures in any way I felt your products would be well worth there price.
It has been about 4 1/2 years since we started with your lubrication program, the results were amazing. We eliminated our transmission failures and differential failures, the transmissions shift much easier, and our Engines start much easier in cold weather. Before your program my School Bus Fleet engine lubrication intervals were at 6,000 miles, I have extended them to 9,000 miles with excellent results. I am now testing a 12,000 mile interval. One of my technicians Ray Hartkof noticed on his personal car he had a bad camshaft lobe, that next day he decided to use PowerUp on that application. The results, over one year later and the camshaft has not shown any more signs of wear. His engine is still running fine.
The next step was your grease product. We were having premature King Pin failure on my school buses, the State Inspectors requested that I replace all the King Pins on the buses, which gave me an unexpected cost factor. The results, I have not had a King Pin failure since. I am using your grease on everything. In closing it is unique to have your fleet customers come back and tell you how much better their equipment is running. It is a good feeling when you can generate residual customers. I recommend that you give Bill Mongin a call as soon as possible and take a serious look at his Lubrication program.”
PowerUp Update 02/15/2006
Bill here is an update on your PowerUp products. We have extended our oil change intervals on our buses to 15,000 with an excellent oil sample report. Our buses have short routes so we now change oil every 2 years, saving my a great deal of money. We also have extended our grease intervals to 8,000 miles or grease our buses 1 time a year, with excellent resuts. This is also a big savings for my company.
Tom Bayer