Bill & Ellie Mongin

I am Bill Mongin, President of MCS Distibution, Inc. In 1962 I started a company called Coleman Parts & Machine with my family. The first 5 years I assisted my father in our machine shop. In 1967 I took the position of outside sales representative. We successfully built our company to a 4 store operation. In 1989 I made a decision to make a career change. In 1991 I was introduced to PowerUP. After a careful study and witnessing the impressive results of PowerUP, I made a decision to market their remarkable products.
Product benefits: Fuel savings, extended oil intervals, reduce and in some cases eliminate mechanical failures and extend equipment life.
My wife, Ellie & I are proud to be representing the PowerUp products as Master Distributors for Wisconsin and the results they offer. Our mission is to help as many people and companies reduce their operating cost with our product. We would like to thank you for visiting our web site.
For larger volume or deeper volume purchasing please e-mail our company at [email protected] or call us at 920-897-3034.
William N. Mongin ~ President
Eleanore L. Mongin ~ Vice President